TI-89 Titanium



This versatile graphing calculator features advanced functionality and 3D graphing that makes problem-solving for AP®, advanced mathematics and engineering courses easier. Built-in Computer Algebra System (CAS) allows you to explore and manipulate mathematical expressions in symbolic form.

Approved for high stakes exams

Can be utilized on the SAT and AP college entrance exams and other exams that allow graphing calculator.

Ideal for

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Key Features

Sixteen preloaded graphing calculator software

Sixteen preloaded graphing calculator software applications (apps), including EE*Pro®, CellSheet™ and NoteFolio™.

Built-in USB

Built-in USB port with cable

Calculate the Precision

Solve equations symbolically; factor and expand variable expressions; complete the square ; and anti-derivatives, computer limits and exact solution in irrationals forms on a powerful CAS platform.

Display expressions in proper notation

Visualise and edit complex expressions. The calculator’s Pretty Print features is an innovative enchantment that displays equations and results with radicals notation, stacked fractions and superscript exponents.



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Joanne Ellis

Content Creator

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Joseph L.Mabie


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis.


Joanne Ellis

Content Creator

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make the screen brighter on a TI-89?

Press and hold the shift for the green ( the key with the diamond shape on it) ; then tap the minus sign to decrease the contrast or the plus sign to increase it.

During the summer when I’m not in school, should I remove the AAA batteries?

No, leave them in. When you remove the AAA batteries, the power for the RAM is supplied by the small circular battery (SR44SW or 303.) If you leave the AAA batteries out too long, the circular battery will be discharged and you will lose any programs that you have in RAM.

Why will I loose my programs if I remove all batteries.

Well, I’m not exactly sure why you’d want to remove all of the batteries, but if you do, you’ll lose anything that is stored in RAM. Programs and applications that have been stored in flash ROM, archived programs, will not be lost. But any un-archived programs will be lost since they are stored in volatile memory. It’s just like when you turn off your computer, you lose anything that hasn’t been stored on a hard drive.

How do I reset my TI-89 Titanium?

To reset the calculator, you can press and hold the “2nd” button, then press and release the “left arrow” key, “right arrow” key, and finally “on” key. This will perform a soft reset. If you want to perform a hard reset, remove one of the AAA batteries, hold down the “del” key, reinsert the battery, and then release the “del” key.

What is the warranty period for graphing calculators?

All the graphing calculators comes with 3 years of warranty.

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